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With 26 million adults reading news brand content every day, multi-platform marketing across print and digital can yield high volume, high profit sales

Here at Lavery Rowe we’ve long been recognised as “press experts”. In 2022 year we were the 3rd largest buyer of press space in the UK by volume and our ability to create campaigns that drive sales was duly recognised when we won the Newsworks award for “Effectiveness” and were “Highly Commended” for “Best Newspaper campaign”. However, with more and more people consuming their trusted news content online it makes sense to advertise your product where your new customers are focusing their attention. That means being on the publisher sites as well as in print.

The issue D2C businesses have had advertising on publisher sites has not been lack of audience but rather that the ad formats typically available are so small they don’t allow for the detailed and persuasive storytelling that is essential to driving D2C sales.

The exception to this is retargeting where smaller formats work because the audience has prior knowledge of the product or service and there is already some intent to buy.  But if you are presenting your product or service to your target market for the first time, it often requires detailed explanation to engage and persuade. The more you tell, the more you sell.

This is where native articles come into their own. The main advantages of this format over traditional display are:

  • Implied publisher endorsement
  • Longer format copy – higher engagement
  • Engagement often includes positive comment and “likes” or “shares” from online readers
  • Display banner takeover – combines strong branding with a powerful CTA
  • Native article appears in search engines –  reaffirms the publisher endorsement
  • Article remains visible in search long after promotion of the feature ends encouraging more sales and creating a longer response tail
  • Higher than usual volume of site traffic generated by the article can be retargeted

Sales from press ads run in conjunction with native are increased when readers search for the advertised offer and are presented with an article from their trusted news source. This again reaffirms the quality of the brand/product.

If you’d like your product or service to benefit from this unique multi-channel approach, contact your Lavery Rowe Account Manager or Paul Payne, Director, at